The Legacy Society

The Jim and Sarah Brady Legacy Society

By including Brady in your estate plan, you will become a member of The Jim and Sarah Brady Legacy Society. The Society was established to recognize and honor those who, through their thoughtfulness and generosity, have made a legacy gift to the Center or Campaign. Members of our Legacy Society will be featured on our website, in quarterly newsletters and our annual report. As a member, you will also be invited to special events in your area.

Let us know — If you choose to include Brady Center or Campaign in your estate plan, we would be honored to know of your intentions and to welcome you as a member of our Legacy Society.

Share Your Legacy

Please let us know if you've already included a gift for Brady. Providing us with documentation is the best way to ensure that your gift is used in the way you intend.

The Impact of Your Giving


could sponsor a national team enough two day summit for 75 students.

This will include gun violence prevention experts, peer organizers, and trainers.


could fund an interactive map for crime gun sales across America

to help gun owners select dealers based on safe business practices and if crime guns have been traced back to the gun seller.


could argue and win an appeal

in a groundbreaker state supreme court case holding gun dealers liable for supplying crime guns.

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